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    Type 3230 - Pneumatically operated 2/2 way Diaphragm Valve with plastic body

    Type Description

    2/2-way plastic diaphragm valve, pilot operated with pneumatic actuator and spring return. Used for polluted medium in process and water technology.

    • Control function convertible
    • Can be used for aggressive medium
    • Compact design

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Type 3230 data sheet | pneumatically operated diaphragm valve with plastic housing 607 kB EN / EU
    DTS Type 3230 data sheet | pneumatically operated diaphragm valve with plastic housing 301.3 kB EN / EU
    DTS Typ 3230 Datenblatt | pneumatisch betätigtes Membranventil mit Kunststoffgehäuse 607 kB DE / DE
    DTS 資料表3230 型帶有塑料外殼的氣動二位二通柱隔膜閥 1 MB ZH / HK
    DTS Vanne à membrane plastique 1.3 MB FR / FR