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    Type 0117 - 2/2 way plunger solenoid valve with separating diaphragm

    Type Description

    Type 117 is a normally-closed direct-actingplunger-type solenoid valve with PTFE-coated diaphragm. The diaphragm isolates the fluidfrom the solenoid system. When deenergized (in circuit function A)the valve is closed by spring action. When energized, the solenoid armature is drawn in 2/2 way, G 1/8, UNF 1/4-28 FluidControl Systems against a spring to open the valve. The solenoid epoxy encapsulation efficiently dissipates the heat generated by the coil.

    • Compact design
    • Low electrical power consumption
    • Short response times
    • Hermetically sealing isolating diaphragm
    • Non-metallic valve internals

    For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.

    Applications & Tools


    Data Sheets

    Language / Country
    DTS Type 0117 data sheet | compact plunger-solenoid valve 556.5 kB EN / EU
    DTS Typ 0117 Datenblatt | kompaktes Hubanker-Magnetventil 556.8 kB DE / DE

    User Manuals

    Language / Country
    MAN Bedienungsanleitung Typ 0117 | Hubanker-Magnetventil 174.1 kB EN,FR,DE,IT,ES,SV / EU

    Declaration of Conformity

    Language / Country
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Declaration 530.8 kB EN,FR,DE
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.2 kB EN
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 41.7 kB FR
    ABD EU-DoC|EU Material Compliance 40.9 kB DE